Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 17 Saturday

Ok, today is Saturday...I guess I don't need the next 4 blog dates set aside.  He made it home at 1:30pm today.  He stayed last night in Vista CA with my mom.  Got up and left by 5am for San Ysidro CA, the 4th and final corner.  As a close friend said " He doesn't have an iron butt, he has a titanium butt!!"  He should get a trophy for this one!
So, we have settled in, had Chinese for dinner and he is happily watching the playoffs.  Thanks for following the journey.  Hopefully I will have pictures to post this next week.  Between my close to 1000 shots at the photo festival this week and another shoot tomorrow morning,  and his shots I have some work to do, but lovin every minute.  We'll be back soon...
And if he decides to this again, I am going to grab his brother and put him intervention therapy.
Good night all...

No stats...the GPS is freezing......hopefully will get some tomorrow.

today stats:
o/a mph:
moving mph:
max speed: 
total time: 
moving time: 
rest time: 

Mileage Recap:
Day 1...798
Day 2...781
Day 3...839.5
Day 4...708
Day 5...839.5
Day 6...732.8
Day 7...697
Day 8...650.7
Day 9...688.4
Day 10...816.4
Day 11...778.8
Day 12...759
Day 13...948.4
Day 14...900.3
Day 15...830.4
Day 16...1212
Day 17...378
total miles: 12,878.7
Avg @ day 757.6

so, I guess it is dinner and margaritas for everyone!!!

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