Saturday, October 1, 2011

Day 3 Saturday

 Hermiston OR to Rawlins WY

Hermiston, OR

 Day 3 down and in the books.  In his words "got hung out today".  I think doing the 839.5 miles seemed longer to him (seems long to me) ....just little things to adjust to.  His back is challenging him, not bad but constant.  Found a rip in the leg of his rainpants, though they weren't tested today. He felt the back of his leg getting wet and realized that he had  lost the mouthpiece on the Camelback.  He keeps it in a soft cooler strapped to the passenger seat for easy hydration.
Tomorrow, a mere 552 miles to Lebanon, KS for the first pass through.  Then head north east to Madawaska, Maine. 
 Not too much chit chat tonight.  We are an hour different and he still had things to do before he could turn in.

Missin him....

Rawlins WY

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